
Material With Highest Dielectric Constant

Table of dielectric constants of substances

Table of dielectric constants of substances

This table lists dielectric constants (relative dielectric constants) of various substances in alphabetical order.
* The dielectric constant of a vacuum is considered to exist 1.0. Conductive substances have higher dielectric constants. Insulating substances have lower dielectric constants.
The dielectric constant of some substances changes every bit their physical state changes. Run into below for precautions of dielectric abiding of each substance of each textile.

Every bit is shown in the table below, each substance (that is, each material to exist measured) has its ain specific dielectric constant.


ABS resin two.iv~4.1 Aluminum pulverization 1.6~
Acetate 3.2~7.0 Alundum 3.2~iii.4
Acetic acid 6.two Aniline half-dozen.nine
Acetone xix.5 Aniline-formaldehyde resin iv
Acetyl cellulose 2.5~7.v Aniline resin 3.4~3.8
Acryl nitrile resin 3.five~4.5 Fauna feed three.0~v.0
Acrylic resin Bister 2.8~2.9
Air 1.000586 Aminoalkyl resin 3.9~four.two
Air (liquid) 1.v Ammonia 15~25
Booze 16~31 Aqueous solution l~fourscore
Alkyd resin 5 Aqueous solution fifty~lxxx
Alumina film 6~ten Asbestos 1.4~1.5
Alumina porcelain 8.0~11 Asbestos 3~3.5
Alumino alkyd resin 3.9 Asbestos 3~3.6
Aluminum hydroxide 2.two Asphalt 2.7
Aluminum oxide 2.xiv AS resin 2.6~iii.1

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Bakelite 4.5~5.5 Drink in glass bottle 2.0~2.v
Bakelite vanish 3.5~4.5 Blackness lead 12.0~xiii.0
Barium nitrate v.9 Bleaching powder ane.8~two.0
Barium titanate 1200 Bone blackness v.0~6.0
Bengala 2.6 Borosilicate 4.0~5.0
Benzene 2.three Butane 20
Benzene alcohol 13.1 Butyl prophylactic two.5~3.five
Beryl (parallel to optical centrality) 6.08 Butyrate 3.two~6.2
Beryl (perpendicular to optical centrality) 7.02

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Calcite 8.iii Cevine i.6~2.0
Calcium iii Chez beer benzene ii.3
Calcium hydroxide (pulverization) one.8~three.0 Chloroform 4.8
Calcium phosphate 1.58 Chloronaphthalene three.five~five.4
Calcium phosphate one.ix~3.2 Chloropyrene 6.0~nine.0
Calcium silicate 2.4~5.4 Chromium ore viii.0~10.0
Carbide pulverisation 5.8~seven.0 Chromite 4.0~4.two
Carbolic acid 10 Clay (powder) one.8~2.8
Carbon bisulfide (liquid) 2.half-dozen Coal tar ii.0~3.0
Carbon dioxide 1.000985 Cocoa lees 2.5~three.5
Carbon dioxide (liquid) one.6 Java lees 2.4~ii.6
Carbon tetrachloride 2.2~2.6 Compound
Casein resin 6.1~half-dozen.8 Corn lees ii.iii~two.6
Celluloid 4.i~4.three Cotton wool 3~7.5
Cellulose Cotton wool seed oil
Cellulose acetate 3.ii~seven Cresol 11.8
Cellophane 6.1~seven.7 Cross-linked polyethylene 2.3~ii.4
Cereals 3.0~five.0 Crude oil (KW#9020.01%) two.428 or more than

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Darusamu 3.2 Diallele phthalate resin 3.three~6.0
Dextrin 2.2~2.4 Diamond sixteen.v
Diallele phthalate 3.8~4.two Dolomite 3.ane

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Due east

Ethyl acetate half dozen.four Ethylene oxide 4.0~v.0

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Feldspathic porcelain 5~vii Fluorinated aluminum 2.2
Beau chrome 1.5~1.viii Fluorite half dozen.8
Ferric oxide (powder) ane.four~1.8 Flux three
Ferrite (powder) ane.four~ Flyash ane.five~1.7
Ferro-manganese two.8~3.2 Formalin 23
Ferrule resin 3.0~12.0 Formic acid 58.5
Fiber two.v~v Forsterite porcelain 5.8~six.7
Filling compound Foundry sand 3.384~3.467
Film fleck (black) 1.17~ane.19 Freon two.two
Flexible glass 3.45 Freon 11 ii.2
Flour ii.5~3.0 Furfural resin iv.0~8.0
Fluor resin 4.0~8.0 Furan resin 4.five~10.0

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Gasoline 2.0~two.two Glycol 35.0~40.0
Glass iii.vii~x.0 Glycerin 47
Glass bead iii.1 Granular glass (0010) half-dozen.32
Glass, epoxy laminate plate 4.5~five.ii Granular drinking glass (0080) 6.75
Glass, silicone laminate plate 3.5~4.five Granulated sugar (powder) 1.five~2.2
Drinking glass, polyester laminate plate 4.ii~5 Granule gelatin 2.615~ii.664
Glucose 3.0~4.0 Gypsum 5.three
Mucilage (powder) 1.7~1.8

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Hard PVC resin ii.8~3.i Beloved wax two.five~2.ix
Hard vinyl butyral resin 3.33 Hydrogen 1.000264
Helium (liquid) 1.05 Hydrogen (liquid) i.2
Honey 2.9

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Ice 4.2 Ivory 1.9

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Kerosene one.viii

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Lead nitrate 37.7 Lite oil 1.8

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Magnesium sulfate (powder) 2.7 or more than Methyl violet 4.half dozen
Manganese dioxide 5.1 Mica 5.vii~seven.0
Marble 3.5~ix.3 Micanite three.4~eight.0
Margarine liquid ii.eight~iii.ii Micarex six.v~9.v
Melamine-formaldehyde resin seven.0~9.0 Micro hexane 2
Melamine resin four.7~x.2 Mineral oil 2~2.five
Methacrylic resin 2.2~3.2 Mirror stone 4.v~seven.5
Methanol 33

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Naphtha 1.8 Nitrogen 1.000606
Naphthalene 2.5 Nitrogen (liquid) 1.4
Natural rubber two.7~iv.0 N-hexane 2
Neoprene half dozen~9 Normal heptane 1.92
Nescafe pulverisation 0.55~0.7 vibration Nylon three.v~5.0
Nitrobenzene 36 Nylon-six 3.5~4.0
Nitro cellulose lacquer Nylon-half dozen-6 3.4~3.5

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Oxygen 1.000547 Oxygen dioxide (liquid) 2.half dozen

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Paint vii.5 Polyethylene (low pressure) ii.three
Palm lees 3.1 Polyethylene oxide 7.8
Paper ii.0~2.5 Polyethylene pellet
Paper, phenol laminate plate v.0~seven.0 Polyethylene-telephthalate 2.ix~three
Methane series i.9~2.v Poly methyl acrylate 4
Paraffin oil 4.half dozen~4.8 Polypropylene 2.0~2.3
Paraffin wax 2.1~2.5 Polypropylene pellet 1.5~1.8
Pebble 5.iv~six.6 Polypropylene resin
PE cube 1.55~one.57 Polystyrene 2.4~ii.six
Petroleum two.0~2.2 Polystyrene pellet 1.v
Phenole (lime acid) ix.78 Polystyrol two.0~2.6
Phenol newspaper laminate canvass iv.6~5.5 Polysulfonate 2.8
Phenol pellet ii.0~2.six Polytetrafluoroethylene 2
Phosphate rock 4 Poly urethane 5.0~five.3
Pino oil 2.5 Polyvinyl alcohol 2
Polyacetal resin 3.6~3.7 Porcelain 4.iv~7.0
Polyamide 2.5~2.half-dozen Pottery 5~seven
Polybutylene 2.ii~2.3 Printing board ii.0~v.0
Polybutylene resin 2.25 Propane (liquid) 1.6~1.9
Polycarbonate 2.9~iii Propionate iii.iii~iii.8
Polycarbonate pulverization i.58 Propylene glycol 32
Polycarbonate resin ii.9~iii.0 PVA-E(sawdust) 2.23~2.30
Polyester pellet three.two P vinyl alcohol ane.8
Polyester resin 2.8~8.1 Pyranol 4.four
Polyethylene 2.3~2.iv Pyrex 4.eight
Polyethylene (high pressure) ii.ii

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Quartz 3.7~four.1 Quartz glass 3.5~4.0
Quartz crystal 4.6 Quartz (melted) 3.5~iv.five
Quartz crystal (melted) 3.v~three.6

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Rice powder 3.5~3.7 Rubber (raw)
Rochelle salt 100~2000 Rubber (vulcanized) ii.0~3.five
Rosin oil (powder) one.65 Crimson (parallel to optical axis) 11.28
Prophylactic cement 2.7~2.nine Ruby (perpendicular to optical centrality) 13.27

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Salt iii.0~xv.0 Slate 6.half-dozen~vii.4
Sand three.0~5.0 Snowfall 3.3
Selenium 6.1~seven.4 Soybean lees
Sesame (granular) 1.8~2.0 Soy bean oil 2.9~iii.5
Shellac ii.three~3.viii Soda-lime glass vi.0~eight.0
Shellac vanish 2.8~4.vii Sodium carbonate 2.7
Shell sand 1.two Sodium dichromate 2.9
Silica alumina 2 Soft PVC resin 3.3~4.five
Silica sand ii.5~3.5 Soft vinyl butyral resin 3.92
Silicon ii.four Steatite 5.3~6.viii
Silicon 3.5~v.0 Steatite porcelain 6~vii
Silicon iron i.38 Styrene-butadiene safe 3.0~7.0
Silicone resin 3.v~five Styrene resin ii.iii~3.iv
Silicone resin (liquid) iii.v~5.0 Styrol resin 2.four~2.8
Silicone safe three.0~three.5 Sugar 3
Silicone vanish 2.viii~3.3 Superphosphate 14.0~15.0
Silk 1.3~ii

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Talc 1.six~two.0 Titanium oxide 83~183
Teflon (4F) 2 Titanium oxide porcelain xxx~80
Terekuru acid 1.5~1.7 Tobacco (shredded) i.v
Terephthalic acid Approx. ane.5 to 1.7 Tokuseal 1.45
Thinner Toluene 2.3
Thiokol 7.v Transformer oil 2.2~2.4
Titanium dioxide 100 Trichloroethylene 3.4

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Unsaturated polyester resin 2.8~5.ii Urea resin 3.iv~6.9
Urea 5~8 Urea resin v.0~10.0
Urea-formaldehyde resin 6.0~9.0

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Vacuum 1 Vinyl acetate
Vanadium dust 2.6 Vinyl alcohol 1.8~2.0
Vanadium sulfide Vinyl formal resin 3.0~3.7
Vaseline 2.2~ii.nine Vycor 3.eight
Vinegar 37.half-dozen

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Xylene 2.3 Xylol 2.7~2.8

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H2o eighty Wheat flour 3.0~4.5
Wheat 3.0~5.0 Woods (depend on moisture content) ii.0~6.0

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Zinc oxide 1.7~2.5

Other substances than in a higher place can exist detected or measured using our other products.For any questions about measuring materials, please experience free to contact us.

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Precautions for dielectric constants of powders

Powder and fleck substances

The dielectric constants of powders and flaked materials are significantly smaller than [the established values for the same materials a solid. For example, although the dielectric constant of PVC is 5.8 to 6.4, powdered The abiding for PVC is approximately 1.3 to one.5.
This is considering air is entrained in the powder (the dielectric constant of air is ane.000586). Powders that are fed by air have an fifty-fifty lower dielectric abiding because there is even more air in the powder.
If powder is agitated in a tank, the dielectric abiding becomes drops for the same reason.

Modify in dielectric constant due to a modify in temperature

The dielectric constant of some materials may change if their temperature changes. We recommend selecting product specifications according to the range of temperatures and the substance to exist measured.

Please feel free to inquire us

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Material With Highest Dielectric Constant,


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